Am J Ther 2013 Jul-Aug;20(4):344-6

The permanent improvement of proteinuria and renal failure with colchicine and enalapril in a leukemic patient with renal amyloidosis secondary to ankylosing spondylitis: a review of the literature.

Paydas S1, Paydas S, Balal M.
Acute leukemia has been reported as secondary to radiation therapy in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS). AA amyloidosis secondary to AS causes progressive organ failure. Although new therapeutic choices can be used, response to therapy in secondary amyloidosis is not good enough. In AA amyloidosis, clinical symptoms partially regress with colchicine. Here, we report a patient with acute leukemia and AS. After complete remission of acute leukemia, pulmonary tuberculosis, acute renal failure and nephrotic syndrome developed. After treatment of leukemia and tuberculosis, Colchicine and enalapril therapy resulted in an improvement of clinical symptoms. He was followed up for >15 years and is doing very well and has minimal symptoms related to AS.
been reported as secondary to radiation therapy in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS). AA amyloidosis secondary to AS causes progressive organ failure. Although new therapeutic choices can be used, response to therapy in secondary amyloidosis is not good enough. In AA amyloidosis, clinical symptoms partially regress with colchicine. Here, we report a patient with acute leukemia and AS. After complete remission of acute leukemia, pulmonary tuberculosis, acute renal failure and nephrotic syndrome developed. After treatment of leukemia and tuberculosis, Colchicine and enalapril therapy resulted in an improvement of clinical symptoms. He was followed up for >15 years and is doing very well and has minimal symptoms related to AS.