Chin Med J (Engl) 2013 Mar;126(6):1186-7

Coincidence of three solid tumors in a patient with multiple myeloma.

Keklik M1, Sivgin S, Deniz K, Karaca H, Kontas O, Balkanli S, Eroglu C, Abdulrezzak U, Kuzu G, Kaynar L, Cetin M, Unal A, Eser B.
href="/pubmed/?term=Keklik%20M%5BAuthor%5D&cauthor=true&cauthor_uid=23506603">Keklik M1, Sivgin S, Deniz K, Karaca H, Kontas O, Balkanli S, Eroglu C, Abdulrezzak U, Kuzu G, Kaynar L, Cetin M, Unal A, Eser B.

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