Leuk Lymphoma 2015 Oct 12:1-4

Comparison of International Prognostic Index and NCCN-IPI in 324 patients with de novo diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: a multi-center retrospective analysis.

Öztürk E1, Özbalak M2, Berk S2, Erdoğan I2, Avşar E3, Dolgun A4, Çetiner M1, Mandel NM5, Yalnız FF2, Elverdi T2, Salihoğlu A2, Eşkazan AE2, Ar MC2, Öngören Ş2, Başlar Z2, Aydın Y2, Soysal T2, Ferhanoğlu B1.
href="/pubmed/?term=%C3%96zt%C3%BCrk%20E%5BAuthor%5D&cauthor=true&cauthor_uid=26294270">Öztürk E1, Özbalak M2, Berk S2, Erdoğan I2, Avşar E3, Dolgun A4, Çetiner M1, Mandel NM5, Yalnız FF2, Elverdi T2, Salihoğlu A2, Eşkazan AE2, Ar MC2, Öngören Ş2, Başlar Z2, Aydın Y2, Soysal T2, Ferhanoğlu B1.

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