
EHA’nın COVID 19 Aşılamasına İlişkin Önerileri


Türk Hematoloji Derneği’nin Değerli Üyeleri,

Avrupa Hematoloji Derneği (EHA)’nın COVID 19 aşılamasına ilişkin önerileri aşağıda yer almaktadır. Bahsedilen öneriler mRNA aşıları baz alınarak hazırlanmıştır. Bilgilerinize sunarız.


Türk Hematoloji Derneği Yönetim Kurulu

Dear colleagues,
Aware that the place of hematology patients in national vaccination strategies is of increasing concern to many of you, we want to inform you that EHA has published two statements on its website:

We would encourage you to share these with the health authorities in your country and urge them to:

  1. Prioritize the vaccination of patients with hematologic malignancies.
  2. Take into account the recommendations for specific groups of patients with non-malignant blood disorders.

Due to scarcity of data, no blanket vaccination strategy can be recommended for patients with non-malignant hematological diseases. EHA’s Scientific Working Groups will be updating these recommendations once more evidence is available.
Patient-friendly versions of both statements are being prepared by the patient organizations and will be published on the EHA website soon.

Prof. John Gribben
Prof. Elizabeth Macintyre